Mission Statement
St. Paul's is a place that expects visitors. We view hospitality as an important part of our ministry, and we hope you will feel welcome here. This message is especially for you - the newcomer.
St. Paul's is a gathered community of “all sorts and conditions" of people who are committed to the Christian life and witness in the urban setting of Paterson. We are Black, White, Hispanic, and Asian. We are native born and newcomers from many lands. We are young, old, and in between. We live in cities and suburbs. We are gay and straight, married and single. Some of us dress up for church, and others don't.
Through worship, outreach, education, parish life, pastoral care, and stewardship, our diverse community seeks to celebrate and proclaim God's justice and mercy; to live out the good news of God's kingdom for all people; and to be a healing sign that the things which divide us from each other may be overcome in the oneness of God.
All services include music, preaching, and an inclusive Eucharist. A nursery (with a loud speaker to follow the service) is available near the baptismal font for parents with restless infants. Additional parking is available in the Walgreen’s and AutoZone lots facing Van Houten Street.
Once again, if you are visiting us, we welcome you. Holy Scripture tells us, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware." We receive you as one who has a message for us, and we trust that you will find the spirit of Christ in our midst