Its Clergy & Significant Dates
185 Years of Service
In 1817, the Mark Wilks Collet family moved to Paterson and informed the Bishop that they desired to establish a church in the area. Bishop John Croes sent The Rev. Lewis P. Bayard, then Rector of Trinity Church, Newark, twice in the summer to visit the people of Paterson. In the Diocesan Convention Journal of August, 1817 (Burlington, NJ), it was reported by Bishop Croes that "application was made for admission of an unincorporated Church in Paterson".
On October 19, 1817, the first Episcopal Visit was made by Bishop Croes to Paterson.
In 1818, Bishop Croes sent several clergy during the year to officiate. The first service was held on October 1818 with the Baptism of Mr. Collet's son. During this time, services were held at the "Old Dutch Reformed Church on the Manchester side of the river (Water Street), and sometimes in the Old Paterson Academy on Market Street, or in a room on Broadway".
On August 5, 1825, Bishop Croes laid the cornerstone for the wooden church structure. The new religious body was incorporated on April 29, 1825 as "St. Paul's Episcopal Church". First meeting of the Vestry resulted in "subscriptions being opened for raising money to erect a church".
1. 1825-1830 - The Rev. John Croes Jr., son of the Bishop, became the first Rector of St. Paul's (Salary was $350 annually).
In 1825, there were 30 families and seven communicants and in 1826 there were 50-60 families, 15 communicants, 13 Baptisms and a Sunday school of 30.
On August 1, 1825, Roswell L. Colt, head of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (SUM) conveyed a portion of Hamilton Square (13,600 sq. feet) to the trustees of St. Paul's Church. It was in Hamilton Square, on July 14, 1825, that the city received General LaFayette on his tour of the United States. On Wednesday, September 13, 1826, Bishop Croes consecrated St. Paul's Church and at the same service, instituted his son as the first Rector. The church was constructed of wood with a square belfry tower entrance and pointed windows on the sides. The organ was built by Peter Erben (organist of Trinity, NYC) at a cost of $300, who brought his choir here to sing an oratorio at the dedication service. On May 1827, The Diocesan Convention was held in Paterson, New Jersey. In December 1829, the Rector resigned.
2. 1830-1831 - In May 1830, The Rev. Frederick W. Beaseley, deacon, was called as Rector and served until the following March. The Rev. Ralph Williston from the Diocese of New York was called to take temporary charge of the parish from 1831 to 1835.
December 3, 1833 was the first visit of Bishop George Washington Doane to the parish, at which time it was reported that there were 150 families. From 1831 to 1835, the Rev. Ralph Williston was Minister in charge. 3. 1835-1842 - April 26,
1835, the Rev. Samuel Ashton Warner was called to become Rector. He was a clergyman of the Church of England who came to Paterson from the Diocese of Antigua.
On July 26, 1835, Bishop Doane reported on his visitation "that the debt was mostly paid and missionary work had been undertaken to Oldham" (now Haledon). During that year an additional 5 acres on Market Street were acquired.
On Thursday, October12, 1837, the old board of trustees was dissolved, and the congregation was reorganized under the title, "The Rector, Wardens and Vestry of St. Paul's Church, Paterson". Following the resignation of Mr. Warner, the parish was in the temporary charge of Deacon Alfred M. Loutrel (1842-1844).
4. 1844-1854 - On July 7, 1844, the vestry called the Rev. John Elliot Thompson at a salary of $600 annually and on September 15, 1844, Bishop George W. Doane, of the Diocese of New Jersey, installed him. During this time the church was enlarged and the work was completed in 1846 for $3,000.
On June 26, 1848, a fire began in the Paterson Machine Company, which occupied an entire block south of Market St, it spread and burned down St. Paul's Church and killed Robert Johnston (age 44), a parishioner who lost his life trying to save the organ.
During this time, the congregation worshipped in Odd Fellows Hall on Market Street. In 1849, an appeal was made by Bishop Doane to the Diocese for funds to build a new Church.
On Saturday, January 25, 1851, Bishop George Washington Doane, of the Diocese of New Jersey, consecrated the church. The new church, designed by Frank Wills of New York City, was built on the old foundation in a gothic style, of native Brownstone, costing $9,000. In 1853, an organ was built and installed at a cost of $800. The Rev. J. Elliot Thompson died in office on May 21, 1854 (Memorial on back wall).
5. 1854-1856 - On July 17, 1854, The Rev. Edward Octavus Flagg, of the Diocese of Maryland, was invited to become Rector at a salary of $1,000. He lost his wife during his time here and due to his failing health resigned in October 1856. He later became the rector of the Church of the Resurrection, New York City, NY. The Parish helped organize St. John's Free Church (no pew rents) in February 4, 1856, and when it fell into debt, it was revived and expanded in 1868 as the parish of The Church of the Holy Communion.
6. 1857-1864 - On January 12, 1857, The Rev. John I. Kelly accepted the call to become rector; he was installed on Sunday, February 1, 1857 and served until his resignation in May 1864. The first rectory was donated to the parish by the Collet family when they made a gift of their home on Church Street. During this time the gallery was added to the church and the organ removed and alterations made to it. On February 5, 1860, the first visit of Bishop William H. Odenheimer occurred. It was noted "St. Paul's had a flourishing Sunday School with 170 scholars and 30 teachers". The Vestry removed the parish from debt by selling the Rectory and put the money into a future fund for a Parsonage. Mr. Kelly lost his arm in a railway accident and resigned his charge on May 30, 1864. He accepted the position of Secretary of the Church Book Society but passed away before he could begin work.
7. 1864-1868 - In July 1864, the Rev. Joseph M. Waite, of Peoria, Illinois, became Rector at a salary of $1,200 and resigned on May 31, 1868. During his time, the Sunday School Building Fund was started.
8. 1868-1869 - On September 1, 1868, The Rev. Mason Gallagher became Rector at a salary of $2,000. During his time the church was painted and repaired. He resigned in November 1869 to enter the ministry of the seceding body known as the Reformed Episcopal Church of which he was one of the founders.
9. 1870-1877 - On January 21, 1870 the Vestry called The Rev. John Moore Heffernan at a salary of $2,000 and he served until his death on March 21, 1877 at age 33 (Memorial located on back wall). On Thursday, April 29, 1875, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Scarborough, Bishop of New Jersey visited Paterson for the first time to celebrate the 50°' Anniversary of the Incorporation of St. Paul's. A letter was read from Bishop W. H. Odenheimer, Bishop of New Jersey, who was in England, "seeking a restoration to health". In 1873, the Rector's Aid Society was begun under the direction of the Rector.
During this time a new rectory was purchased at 173 Paterson St. and a Sunday school building was completed at the corner of Ellison and Church Street for $10,000.
10. 1877-1880 - On March 19, 1877, the Rev. Thomas Alfred Starkey was called to become Rector. He had served parishes in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and Washington, D. C. He was a man of commanding presence and rare oratorical gifts. It was said that he had studied for the dramatic stage. He resigned in January 5, 1880 when he was elected Bishop of the newly formed Diocese of Northern New Jersey, which later became the Diocese of Newark.
11. 1880-1887 - On May 1, 1880, the Rev. Edwin Benjamin Russell became Rector at an annual salary of $2,000. During this time the church was freed from debt. His last service was Easter Sunday, 1887. During the year 1886, the Diocesan Girls Friendly Society was formed.
On May 31, 1884, Bishop Starkey approved the withdrawal of 146 communicants of St. Paul's who wanted to worship in a church near their home and did not want to move to the new location that St. Paul's was moving to at Broadway and 18 Street. St. Mark's Chapel of St. Paul's Parish was formed and the first service was held on June 17, 1894 in the old Sunday school building. In 1898, St. Paul's made a gift of the chapel to St. Mark's thereby ending the connection of the two groups. The church burned down in the Great Fire of 1902 and a new building was built at Broadway and Straight Street, which opened in May 1905 with Dr. Nickerson preaching.
12. 1887-1895 - On April 25, 1887, the Rev. Thomas W. Nickerson Jr. was called to be Rector at an annual salary of $2,000.
On April 19, 1891, Mr. Nickerson presided at the first service of St. Luke's Church, a mission started in the south side (People's Park and Madison Park) of Paterson. Property was purchased on Bloomfield Avenue and it became a parish on June 24, 1897. In 1931, the cornerstone was laid for a new church on Trenton Avenue.
On October 15, 1893, the last service was held at Old St. Paul's. The property was sold to the City of Paterson for $57,558, in order to build a new City Hall in time for the 100 Anniversary of Paterson.
On May 1, 1888, property was purchased at Broadway and 18 Street for $15,000, which was almost entirely farmland. Plans were drawn up from several architects and styles, (Gothic, Italian and English-Norman). Plans were submitted, anonymously to Messrs. McKim, Mead and White of New York and the choice was awarded to Mr. William Halsey Wood of Newark, for a church patterned after Durham Cathedral in England.
On October 9, 1893, the ground was broken for the foundation of the Parish House and building began. Originally, the plans called for a two story building but they were later changed to one.
The first service was held on June 17, 1894 in the Parish House. The Sunday school building at the corner of Ellison and Church Streets, where the congregation had been worshiping, now became the Chapel of St. Mark's.
On November 1, 1894 (All Saint's Day), work on the foundation began for the church and on May 11, 1895, the cornerstone for the church was laid. In 1894, the first service with a vested choir of men and boys began.
On March 4, 1895, the Rev. T. W. Nickerson accepted a call to become Rector of the Church of the Messiah in Boston.
13. 1895-1938 - The Rev. Dr. David Stuart Hamilton, a graduate of General Seminary, was called as Rector in 1895. During his tenure the Church School grew from 95 to 1212; Communicant members grew from 250 to more than 2,000, and it became the 10th largest Episcopal congregation in the United States.
The first service in the new church was on May 25, 1897 with Bishop Starkey present and The Rev. Nickerson preaching.
The church and pulpit are made of pink granite from the Pompton Quarry. Dimensions: length 127 feet, width 68 feet, height of tower 94 feet. The wainscoting, pews and furniture are of oak. The Edison Electric Illuminating Company did the original wiring. The Louis Comfort Tiffany Company of New York, designed the hymnal boards, chancel altar rail, the wainscoting, plus 12 windows were created and installed. The Hunt Brothers of Newark, NJ, designed the altar. It is a solid slab of Caen marble, 9ft 7" long and 2 ft. wide. It is on a mosaic platform embedded with the cross of St. Paul. White marble mosaics are interspersed with lilies on the chancel floor. The lectern, cross and candles were made by the Gorham Silversmith Company of New York. The cost was well over $375,000.
The items brought up from Old St. Paul's Church were all the windows, which were formed into the West Window collage, the Hamilton Chapel Altar, two memorial tablets, the tower bell (1854) and the original altar.
During the tenure of Dr. Hamilton's 43 years of service he organized the forerunner of the Community Chest and the Passaic Valley United Givers Fund. In addition, St. Margaret's Guild, Mother's Chapter, Young People's Fellowship, Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Women's Auxiliary were all formed. He was chaplain to the Paterson Police Department and in 1910 organized Troop 1 of the Boy Scouts as the first Scout troop in the city. Dr. Hamilton was officially "commissioned" as the 290 Scoutmaster in the country. After the Great Fire of 1902, he helped organize a citywide committee to aid individuals and families left homeless.
In 1903, a set of fifteen bell tubular chimes were presented as a memorial to Mrs. Elizabeth Lonsdale.
In 1912, the Baptismal Font was presented as a memorial to Mrs. Jane Sutherland Hamilton, the first wife of the Rector.
On September 21, 1912, the Protestant Sunday School Parade was held downtown. William H. Beck, of St. Paul's was chief of staff. Up to 10,000 marchers participated from 50 churches in five divisions. St. Paul's was well represented with over 600 students marching along with Dr. Hamilton.
The Chapel of St. Barnabas was started on September 22, 1912 in a rented home at 414 East 33 Street, as an outreach project from the Sunday school to the children in the Eastside section. The services were discontinued in January 1913, at the request of Bishop Lines, who wanted to wait until the parochial lines were drawn up between the churches.
In 1913, women were allowed to vote for the first time at the Annual Parish Meeting.
In 1914, Dr. Hamilton was elected Chairman of the Diocesan Standing Committee and attended four General Conventions of the National Church. He was a member of the Rotary Club and Chaplain of the Masonic Lodge and Grand Chaplain of the State Masonic Order. The Church was free from debt and consecrated on Ascension Day, May 16, 1917, followed on May 18 with the 100 Anniversary Dinner of the Parish. At the head table was the Governor, Senator, former governor, and a long list of prominent personages from every level of government.
On May 9, 1920, the Parish dedicated the Rood Screen, which was designed, and executed by the Gorham Silversmith Company of New York. The memorial was given in memory of Mathew Perry Ross who lost his life in World War One.
In 1921, the seven "Life of Christ" Memorial Windows, on the south side of the church, were given on the 25 Anniversary of the Rector and were created by the George L. Payne Studios, Paterson.
On November 13, 1921, the Mosaic Memorial Tablet on the west wall was dedicated in memory of the 8 men who lost their lives and in honor of the 253 members of St. Paul's who served in the First World War.
In 1922, the eleven Patriarchic windows, on the north side, were created by the George L. Payne Studios and given as a memorial to the parents of Joseph Whitehead.
In 1930, St. Paul's acquired the Swedish Congregation Church on Graham Avenue and Governor Street as a home for St. Aidan's African American Episcopal Church, which became a Mission of the Diocese. The church also purchased a two story framed building at 645-647 East 18 Street to be used as offices and space for choir practice; it was called St. Paul's Annex. It was later razed due to the high cost of repairs and the site graded and paved in order to provide parking.
In 1930, 449 Van Houten Street was purchased and in 1938, 447 Van Houten Street was acquired. The next acquisition was 447 Broadway and was named Guild Hall.
On St. Paul's Day, January 25, 1936, in the presence of the Presiding Bishop, the Rt. Rev. James De Wolf Perry, along with 7 other Bishops, conducted a Service for the Consecration of the Rev. Theodore Russell Ludlow, as Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Newark.
Dr. Hamilton died in office following a long illness, on July 17, 1938, at age 73.
14. 1939-1964 - On February 1, 1927, the Rev. William Lamson Griffin, Jr. became an Assistant to Dr. Hamilton and was elected Rector on January 1, 1939. Mr. Griffin graduated from Harvard and from General Seminary. He headed 3 missions in the Diocese of Newark and in 1926 was ordained by Bishop Stearly as a priest and became rector of the Church of the Epiphany in Allendale, NJ.
During his tenure, the Advisory Board, Guild Federation, Girl Scouts, St. Ruth's, St. Luke's Guild, Men's Club and Altar Guild were all formed. In addition, Mr. Griffin was the Dean of the Diocesan Board of Examining Chaplains. Mr. Griffin was active in civic groups such as: The Greater Paterson Council of Churches, boards of Community Chest, Social Planning Council, Family Service and Planned Parenthood.
Mr. Griffin served as an ambulance driver for the Paterson General Hospital during World War II, served as Scoutmaster for Troop 1, and Cub Master of Pack 3. He played basketball for General Seminary and for St. Paul's Church when they won the Diocesan championship three times and the City Church League Championship once. Hundreds of men and boys played basketball in the Parish Hall. In addition there was also a men's and women's bowling league.
On September 24, 1939, 800 persons attended the dedication by Bishop Washburn and Bishop Ludlow of the Chapel of the Incarnation, given in memory of The Rev. David Stuart Hamilton, D.D., and Rector from 1895 to 1938. In addition, an anonymous parishioner also provided a pair of Memorial Doors.
On May 2 & 3, 1945, the 50 Anniversary "Old Timer's Revue" was presented by the Men's Club, Choir Association and Young Peoples Fellowship. The program presented excerpts from the productions of 1923, 1924, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1938, and 1939.
On November 6, 1949, the Chapel of the Boy Christ was dedicated in memory of the Johnson children. The George L. Payne Studios, Paterson, completed the design and construction. Lajos Segner, noted ecclesiastical painter, painted the Altar triptych.
In 1944, the Advisory Board, along with the Vestry began a capital campaign to raise $60,000 called St. Paul's Church New Building and Improvement Fund. In 1948, Mr. Frederick H. Vreeland was chosen architect and the contract awarded to the Isaac Degenaars Company. Ground was broken on March 5, 1950, and on Sunday, April 23, 1950, the cornerstone was laid with Bishop Ludlow and Mayor DeVita attending.
On February 11, 1951, Memorial Hall was completed and dedicated in honor of the 350 Men and Women who served in the Second World War from the parish.
Many Assistants' served Mr. Griffin during his 25 years as Rector, including The Rt. Rev. Judson Child who became Bishop of Atlanta. When he retired in 1964, the parish confirmed on him the title of Rector Emeritus and the city named their newest Senior Citizens Apartment building after Mr. Griffin. The Rev. Alton Taylor was chosen to be Priest in Charge until the new Rector was appointed.
15. 1965-1970 - On March 3, 1965, The Rev. George R. Dawson was instituted as the new rector. Mr. Dawson grew up in Paterson and was the son of the Rev. William Dawson, rector of St. Marks Church, Paterson. He graduated from the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Under his guidance, the sesquicentennial of the Parish was celebrated on June 4, 1967. In that service, the Most Rev. Lawrence B. Casey, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson participated along with Rabbi Freedman of Temple Emmanuel, and the Rev. Rea Ostic, President of the Greater Paterson of Churches. In addition, the Rt. Rev. Leland Stark and the Rt. Rev. George E. Rath, Bishops of the Diocese of Newark, attended. Mr. Dawson was active in the community, the Diocese, and in the Parish in the tradition of his predecessors. Mr. Dawson resigned in 1970 and later was in charge of the Seamen's Church Institute in Port Newark, NJ.
In 1970, the Food Pantry was established and served approximately 75 persons a month with canned goods donated from local churches.
16. 1971-1981 - The Rev. Harry Brearley Whitley, former rector of the Episcopal Church in Essex Fells, NJ, came to the Parish as an interim and was installed as rector on June 27, 1971 by Bishop Leland Stark. The rectory located at 452 Van Houten Street was sold. In 1972, St. Luke's was consolidated with St. Paul's and the Rev. J. Willard Yoder became Associate Minister to Mr. Whitley. During this time The Paterson Episcopal Mission was formed, which brought Trinity, St. Luke's, St. Paul's and the Church of the Holy Communion together for outreach to the city and neighborhood. Sister Edna Brooks, a Church Army Worker, helped run after school and summer programs for the youth.
The Rt. Rev. Leland Stark conducted a service of ordination in 1973 for the first woman Deacon in our Diocese, who was from St. Paul's, The Rev. Mary Francis Evans. During this time, the Inner City Dance Ensemble was allowed to perform in the Parish Hall and we welcomed the Newark Boys Choir, Columbus Boy Choir and produced the Rock Opera, "Joseph and his Technicolor Dream Coat." During this time, women began to serve as Chalice bearers and were elected to serve on the Vestry and as Warden.
In 1976, the Rev. John Shelby Spong was elected Bishop Co-adjutor for the Diocese.
During the year 1977, the Parish celebrated its 160 Anniversary year and Bishop George Rath was the guest at the annual Men's Dinner.
On September 9, 1977 the Vestry purchased a house that had burned at 420 Broadway, and had it demolished to expand the parking spaces.
On April 29, 1980, St. Paul's celebrated its 75 Annual Men's Dinner and its last. St. Margaret's Guild prepared the homemade turkey dinners for over 200 men, which brought together leaders from our Church and Community.
In Eastertide 1980, a Columbarium was dedicated in memory of Isabel R. Bowen. It is located in the Baptism room and provides space for the cremains of 44 persons to be interred.
Mr. Whitley resigned to work for the Episcopal Church Pension Fund in 1981, and The Rev. Donor Macniece, became interim.
17. 1982-1988 - The Rev. Luis Leon came to the Parish in 1982 from the Diocese of Maryland, where he had been Director of Refugee Resettlement.
He is a graduate of Virginia Seminary. The Vestry purchased a home at 69 East 39 Street from the Diocese, which became our new rectory. The Rev. Luis started a dialogue with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson for the need of opening a men's shelter. After a public hearing, the Vestry voted in 1983, to authorize the shelter to proceed in participation with Eva's Kitchen. On January 24, 1984, St. Paul's dedicated the winter emergency shelter for 40 homeless men with Governor Kean attending. In 1985, the New Jersey Council of Churches recognized the Rev. Leon and St. Paul's congregation as the "Church of the Year." In 1986, we celebrated the 20 Anniversary of the Head Start Programs, housed and working within our facility, where two classes for 50 children are located. At the 1986 Diocesan Convention, St. Paul's was awarded the Bishop's Banner for being the "Church of the Year." On November 10, 1987, the Wardens and Vestry of St Paul's transferred the ownership of a home at 447-449 Van Houten Street to St. Paul's Housing Corporation. Mr. Leon resigned in 1988 to move to Wilmington, Delaware.
On November 16, 1988, the Rev. Ledley Laughlin, Assistant, hosted a benefit performance by Garrison Keillor, an American humorist, to support the homeless shelter. The Rev. Robert Mayo became Interim.
18. 1989-2000 - The Rev. Tracey Lind was the first woman priest to become our Rector. A graduate of Union Seminary, Tracey was an Associate at Christ Church in Ridgewood, NJ, before joining us.
On November 17, 1990, St. Paul's became Pro-Cathedral for the Diocese of Newark by hosting a special convention to elect a suffragan bishop. The Rev. Jack Marston McKelvey was elected and joined St. Paul's as a parishioner. He was consecrated as the fourth Suffragan Bishop-elect on April20, 1991.
In 1990, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church designated St. Paul's as the first "Jubilee Center" in our Diocese for our outreach programs to the citizens of Paterson.
In 1990, the Paterson Alumni Association (PAA) approached St. Paul's to organize a volunteer Literacy Program. English-as-second language classes were later added.
St. Paul's Community Services was established as a separate not-for-profit corporation, with the rector as President and a board of directors to run the men's shelter, food pantry, North Porch, men's transitional house and adult literacy program. A formal connection to the parish was established through the vestry, which elects the membership of the corporation. In 1991, St. Paul's purchased a home at 450 Van Houten Street to serve as a transitional home. In September 1993, this corporation, along with St. Paul's Community Initiatives (1992), was consolidated into St. Paul's Community Development Corporation. This was part of a larger shift of emphasis within the Diocese to address the causes of social problems, rather than just the symptoms.
On May 17, 1992, the Parish celebrated its 175 Anniversary with the Rt. Rev. Jack McKelvey preaching.
On October 15, 1995, the Rev. Tracey Lind "made a public witness about being gay from St. Paul's pulpit." Letters of support were sent to the congregation from our Bishops and from the Wardens and Vestry. The service was well attended with TV and local reporters present.
On May 25, 1997, we celebrated the 100 Anniversary of our Church building.
On November 21, 1998, John Palmer Croneberger was consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Newark.
On October 25, 1995, the parish dedicated 180 Carroll Street, a vacant Victorian home that had been turned into seven low income co-op apartments. On that same day, there was a groundbreaking ceremony for the Shelter and Pantry Renovation. This was a 4-year capital campaign that raised $1.5 million dollars to renovate the church and shelter. An atrium and elevator was added, the shelter was moved downstairs to the undercroft, air conditioning added and a new kitchen installed. The church was painted, windows cleaned and restored, glass doors added, carpet replaced and a new sound system added. The architect was Thomas A. Fenniman, and the Genesis Corporation completed the construction. The completion and rededication service was celebrated on September 27, 2000, with our new Bishop, the Rt. Rev. John P. Croneberger as preacher. In addition, the Rev. Luis Leon and the Rev. Tracey Lind were in attendance.
The Rev. Tracey Lind resigned in March 2000 to become Dean of the Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio and her Associate, the Rev. Reggie Paine Wiens, left for the Diocese of Florida in June 2000. The Rev. Steven Winsett became the interim until June 2001.
On Saturday, January 20, 2001 at 7:30 am, the 127 Diocesan Convention was held at St. Paul's.
19. 2001 - The Rev. David Burton Wolf was called on March 31, 2001 to become Rector of St. Paul's Church and President of St. Paul's Community Development Corporation. David is a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary and was an Assistant at St. Alban's in Washington D.C. Prior to entering the ministry, he attended George Washington University Law School in 1985, and practiced law for five years, mostly as an immigration policy advisor on Capitol Hill and at the Justice Department.
On September 11, 2001, following the terrorist attacks on the United States and the World Trade Center, St. Paul's opened its doors for extra services and ministry to our parishioners and to the city of Paterson.
On October 14, 2001, The Rev David B. Wolf was installed as 19th Rector of St. Paul's. The Rt. Rev. Rufus Theophilus Brome, retired Bishop of Barbados and Assistant to the Bishop of Newark, presided.
On October 6, 2002, St. Paul's celebrated its 185 Anniversary with a Festive Eucharist and with The Rt. Rev. John Palmer Croneberger celebrating and preaching. During this anniversary year the Diocesan Service for the Aging and the District 10 Confirmation services were both held at St. Paul's. In addition, the updated history of the St. Paul's Church was completed and published
Around 2005, the Hispanic Ministry program began with the hiring of Edgar Gutierrez-Duarte. The 1:30 Spanish language service was instituted as well as the beginning of our combined bilingual services. The intentional inclusion of the growing Hispanic community enriched all of our understanding of cultural differences and our lives.
In 2006, the After School Program began offering an enrichment program for elementary school children. Volunteers from St. Paul’s and area churches provided tutoring and other programs.
The Youth Choir grew out of the After School Program. Children showing an interest in vocal and instrumental music were given instruction in both and the Youth Choir bloomed. They were invited to sing in congregation throughout the Diocese.
20. In July, 2012, The Rev Rosa Brown was appointed Priest Associate after the resignation of Rev. David Wolf. The first woman to be ordained in the Diocese of Costa Rica, Rev. Rosa has brought her experience of developing Hispanic Ministry from the Diocese of Los Angeles and applied it to not only St. Paul’s but also the Diocese of Newark. She strengthened the cultural richness of who we are through liturgy and community and when Reverend Wolf discerned a new call she` became our Priest in Charge.
Rev. Brown moved on from St. Paul’s in 2016 and March 2017 the Wardens and Vestry called the Rev. Deacon Erik Soldwedel to be our Clergy in Residence. Rev. Soldwedel was called to be the interim clergy working with our long time associate The Rev. Dr. Beth Faulk Glover. Deacon Erik was born and raised in Ridgewood and Mahwah New Jersey. He is a son of the Diocese of Newark ordained to the Vocational Diaconate in hit the ground running hosting breakfast sessions to get to know the parishioners and their stories. He worked closely with the Wardens and Vestry preparing the church for our Bicentennial celebrations.
Deacon Erik applied all of his people and management skills working closely with existing staff hiring a permanent Music Minister and a Spanish Priest Associate. There has been much painting; new furniture and updated office equipment are a few of the projects accomplished during this current transition. New lighting to the exterior of the church and landscaping have all contributed to St. Paul’s being chosen as an anchor in the City of Paterson’s Safe City Street Initiative. St. Paul’s also is the host for the Van Houten Street Block Association.
Moving into a third century of service and Episcopal Witness St. Paul’s continues to offer a program to our neighborhood; Family Souper Cafe a once a month Saturday lunch preceded by a youth activity and respite and discussion for adults. Once a year in cooperation with Christ Church Teaneck and many other Episcopal Parishes in our Diocese St. Paul’s hosts a feast the Saturday before Thanksgiving where we serve in excess of 800 people a full Turkey Dinner inclusive of pumpkin pie. There are many “to go” boxes shared.
In response to the growing need during the COVID 19 Pandemic St. Paul’s launched a new program called Just Diapers. We have been able to provide on a monthly basis diapers and wipes to assist many families in need. This program serves many of the same clients the Food Pantry does. This pantry was launched by St. Paul’s in 1070 and is a project of the SPCDC another St. Paul’s initiative.
St. Paul’s lives into the mantra of our patron; God is our FAITH. Jesus is the HOPE for life eternal. The Holy Spirit is the LOVE that sustains us as we share God’s abundance in the world. Faith Hope and Love - the greatest is love. The story continues. . .