Liturgy and Music
We Pray! We Sing! We Study! We Share Meals! We are a people of ACTION!
The liturgy and music at St. Paul’s is as eclectic and diverse as our congregation. The spoken and sung word is all given in joy to our expansive faith. St. Paul’s is known for tradition with a strong appreciation for new and different liturgies and music.
For over two hundred years this parish church has shared the prose of Thomas Cranmer and music of John Wesleyan to Steven Shakespeare and the music of Sweet Honey in the Rock.
Worship requires three main ingredients Praise; Prayer and Voice spoken and sung collection of sounds. We at St. Paul’s are proud of how we weave these threads into the tapestry of our worship experience. Set in a 125 year old building deigned to resemble Durham Cathedral the worship space is adorned with windows that tell the story of Angels and our Patron Paul. The saints of old and today give a richness to our worship one that every Paterson Pauline embraces.
The spoken word is shared from chancel to the aisles and at times from our grand pulpit. The communion table is on the floor between the choir and the congregation with an invitation to all who seek Jesus.
Our choir has always had a tradition of singing a multitude of styles and genres within church worship. One may hear traditional Anglican Hymns, modern day American Hymns, African-American Spirituals, Contemporary Christian, Gospel, as well as Multinational and Multilingual works.